
Set van 3 Educatieve modellen

€ 27,95

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Learn to recognize the Asian hornet with this detailed educational set. This set includes three carefully crafted models, one of which is the Asian hornet, each meticulously embedded in clear resin. This allows all the details of these impressive insects to be seen. This set is ideal for educational purposes and for anyone fascinated by nature.

Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina): The Asian hornet is an invasive species that is colonizing Europe via France. The model displays its characteristic yellow tarsi and velvety brown thorax. Link:

Black Shield Wasp (Vespa bicolor): The Vespa bicolor, also known as the black shield wasp, is a hornet species described in 1787. This wasp has been identified as the pollinator of a specific orchid and also hunts honeybees. It is the most common species of large wasp in Hong Kong. Link:

Paper Wasp (Polistes Rothneyi): Polistes rothneyi is the largest representative of its subfamily in Russia. The wasp is native to regions such as North and East India, Nepal, China, Korea, and Japan. The wasp exhibits a unique behavior where it vibrates its wings vigorously when it feels threatened. Link:

These models were ethically sourced and are a valuable addition to any educational collection.

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