Plastic beehives 

Kunststof bijenkasten zijn een alternatief voor de traditionele houten bijenkasten. They are made of durable plastics that are weather resistant. Plastic hives have a number of advantages over wooden hives. For example, they are lightweight and therefore easy to lift, easy to clean & maintain and provide good insulation.

Another advantage of plastic hives is that they sometimes do not need to be painted to extend their life.

However, it is important to ensure adequate ventilation (openings) in the summer to prevent it from getting too hot in the hive. All in all, plastic hives offer a number of advantages over traditional wooden hives. Want to buy a plastic hive? Then as a beekeeper, it is important to carefully consider which option best suits your specific needs and circumstances.

  • Plastic swarm boxes & six-framers
    Plastic swarm boxes & six-framers

    A 6-window coastal stovetop hive, also known as a six-window or swarm hive, is a compact hive designed to house 6 simplex brood chamber frames. Or other sizes of hive windows. These windows are identical to those in a thrift or simplex hive. In this category you will find the plastic version of these hives, it is also [category id=109]beschikbaar in hout[/category]. The plastic, often a type of Styrofoam, provides excellent insulation, which is especially useful in small hives. Thanks to this insulation, it is possible for a colony of bees to spend the winter in the hive, something that is more difficult in a wooden hive. In addition, plastic hives are lightweight and therefore easy to handle. Many beekeepers have both plastic and the wooden six-ramer in use. Often one is always in their car so they can quickly catch a swarm when they come across one.

    When using a plastic hexramer, we always recommend using it [category id=134]verven[/category]. The reason is that the type of plastic, often EPS (Styrofoam), can degrade under the influence of UV light. The paint protects against UV radiation and extends the life of the cabinet. In addition, painting offers the opportunity to add a personal touch to the hive, both for your own recognition and for the bees, to help them return to the right hive."

    The six-window hives in the simples and thrift box sizes are suitable for both Dutch and Begian windows.

  • Segeberger Simplex styropor hives
    Segeberger Simplex styropor hives

    The Segeberger Simplex hive is very suitable for the beekeeper who does not want to lift heavy. Because the Segeberger cabinets are made of styropor (compressed styrofoam), they are much lighter than wooden hives. The white, unpainted hives are easy to paint and provide good insulation, which in turn reduces feed consumption by the bees. These hives are manufactured in Germany under strict environmental requirements. And, if properly disposed of at the waste disposal site, the material can also be recycled.

  • Savings hive poly (BeeFun)
    Savings hive poly (BeeFun)

    BeeFun brand Styropor hives are characterized by a hard pressing. This makes for a sturdy hive that can take a beating better than the well-known segeberger. Another advantage is that they are even slightly lighter than the segeberger hives. In addition, the hives have extra ventilation options and flight openings which is ideal during a good gestation period.

  • Langstroth polystyrene
    Langstroth polystyrene

    Langstroth polystyrene. Here you can find all polystyrene Langstroth hives and the parts for this hive in Langstroth size. Suitable for windows with a top bar 482 mm long.

  • Dadant Blatt beehives
    Dadant Blatt beehives

    The Dadant cabinet is named after its designer, Charles Dadant. This hive has been around since 1870 and comes in many variations such as the Dadant-Blatt. The hive has large windows ideal for bee breeds that form a large brood nest. This has the advantage that the bees' brood nest can be kept on one hive. At the Imkershop we sell different hives of the Dadant model. In this category you will find all hives with the window size of the Dadant Blatt model.

  • Zander polystyrene hives
    Zander polystyrene hives

    The Zander hive is also available in a plastic version. This is the Zander polystyrene hive. This hive is also known as the Zanderbeute. This hive is also available in [category id=237]hout verkrijgbaar deze vind je in de categorie[/category] wooden hives. The hive consists of 2 or 3 removable parts: the upper part is the honey chamber and the lower part is the brood chamber. Both the brood chambers and the honey chambers are the same size. This is one of the innovations in the Zander hive.

    The advantage of the plastic Zander hive

    A plastic hive resists moisture well and insulates well, meaning the hive loses little heat. The plastic hive should also be painted to protect against UV light, as plastic can become tarnished. To do this, use [category id=134]speciale verf voor kunststof bijenkasten[/category]. The kunstor Zander hive can also be delivered painted. It is then already ready-to-use. After the hive is painted, you can house a colony. A plastic hive requires little maintenance, only painting and touching up if necessary. This is the only maintenance. This assures you of a hive that will last a long time. In addition, the hive is super lightweight and therefore easy to move.

    Disadvantages of a plastic hive

    A plastic hive also has disadvantages. For example, it can be more easily dented by using the hive chisel because the material is softer than wood. However, this also depends on how carefully the beekeeper handles the tools. These polystyrene Zander hives are of a hard pressing, so damage during use is tremendously less. Want to read more about the history of the Zander hive? Take a look at the category [category id=237]houten Zander bijenkasten[/category].

  • Apimaye hives and parts
    Apimaye hives and parts

    The Apimaye hive was designed in Turkey by a team of beekeepers in collaboration with six universities. This hive makes it extra easy to care for a hive and with the vision that the bees produce more honey. Turkey is a real honey country and the hives are very popular there. The hives are made of plastic material that is protected against bacteria. Because Apimayekhasten are double-walled, the hives have a very good insulation which of course benefits the bees as well as the sugar consumption. The hives are also very innovative and equipped with all kinds of conveniences.

  • Segeberger German Normal styropor hives
    Segeberger German Normal styropor hives

    In this category you will find all our parts for the Segeberger German Normal hive. This hive is very suitable for the beekeeper who cannot or does not want to lift heavy. These hives are made of manufactured styropor (expanded styrofoam) and are very easy to paint. Because of the material, the hives are very light. Thanks to the thick material, this cabinet provides good insulation. Good insulation in turn ensures lower feed consumption by the bees. Manufactured in Germany under strict environmental requirements.

  • Frankenbeute Dadant US polystyrene hives
    Frankenbeute Dadant US polystyrene hives

    Polystyrene hives in the size Frankenbeute Dadant US. These hives are lightweight and come white (unpainted).

  • NICOT Dadant Blatt Beehives
    NICOT Dadant Blatt Beehives

    The NICOT Dadant Blatt beehive is specifically designed to accommodate the French Dadant Blatt frame size (47 cm). This model aligns with regional beekeeping practices in France and Italy, and is increasingly popular in many other countries, ensuring compatibility with local equipment. NICOT’s design emphasizes durability, efficiency, and ease of use, making it a preferred choice for professional beekeepers seeking to optimize hive performance. For these beehives, you can find all types of frames and wax foundation [category id=9]here[/category].

  • Frankenbeute Dadant Blatt polystyrene hives
    Frankenbeute Dadant Blatt polystyrene hives

    Polystyrene hives in the size Frankenbeute Dadant Blatt. These hives are lightweight and come white (unpainted).

What types of plastic hives are there?

We offer a wide range of plastic hives. For example, we have. Segeberger Simplex styropor bijenkasten, maar ook Dadant Blatt bijenkasten and the polystyreen BeeFun kast. To make the right choice you should look at the differences. For example, Dadant Blatt boxes have large windows, ideal for larger colonies and to work with only one brood chamber, but also heavy to lift. The Segeberger Simplex is manufactured in europe under strict environmental requirements, but the edges of the boxes collapse when stacked making it difficult to take them apart sometimes. The BeeFun hive, on the other hand, has flat edges so that the hive sections can be easily pushed apart when putting the chambers back together. They can also be purchased colored/painted. To really make a good choice, you will have to consider what is most important to you as a beekeeper. Each type plastic cabinet well has its own characteristics and advantages.

What is the difference between plastic hives and wooden hives?

Of course, the main difference between a plastic hive and a wooden hive is the material they are made of. Plastic hives are made of polystyrene (sturdy styrofoam) or high-quality PVC (plastic with hollow or insulating inner layer), while wooden hives are made of wood, such as pine or red cedar or Thermowood/Premiumred®. Plastic cabinets offer somewhat better insulation and are often lighter to lift, where a wooden cabinet is closer to the bee's natural habitat. In addition if painted with a durable paint it is a very environmentally friendly choice. The different materials offer several choices for keeping bees. It is up to the beekeeper to decide what suits his situation.

Why a plastic hive?

A plastic hive has several advantages over traditional wooden hives. First, with less maintenance, they tend to last longer and thus are more durable. Plastic hives are more resistant to weather conditions. In addition, plastic hives require less maintenance. And in addition, plastic hives are lightweight, easy to transport and handle. Something that many beekeepers very pleasant Finding.

In general, a plastic hive is easier to handle and a better insulating alternative to wooden hives.

