Protein for bees 

Bees are hard-working insects that naturally seek food to feed their hive or hive population and store a winter supply in the form of honey. An important part of their diet is proteïne, which they need for the brood nest, to grow larvae. Proteincan be found in the pollen of flowers, among other things. Sufficient protein ensures healthy bees. Too little protein reduces the resistance of bees resulting in a weaker hive. Feeding extra protein with vitamins is therefore important if your hive is weak or the supply of natural protein through pollen is minimal. Supplemental feeding will quickly strengthen a hive.

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What to do in case of pollen deficiency?

Bees sometimes have trouble finding enough protein, especially in the winter months or when there are few flowers in the area. To help the bees, it is possible to give special foods rich in protein, such as our protein sugar dough from BeeBoost or a superproteïne pattie. Wij hebben een ruim aanbod aan verschillende soorten bijenvoeding in vaste-, zachtere en zelfs poeder substanties. Een ontzettend handige stuifmeelvervanger is onze ApiPollen proteïne vervanger. Dit product is verkrijgbaar in een 7 kg en 2 kg packaging and is similar to BeeFeed and Ultrabee. Apipollen can be fed as a powder or mixed with sugar to make your own protein dough.

By planting and sowing flowers and herbs yourself, you can also help the bees. For example, you can ensure that there is enough food for bees provided you choose flowers rich in nectar and pollen, such as lavender, oregano or catnip and many other plants and herbs with different flowering periods.

Why are proteins so important to bees?

Proteins are important for bees to stay healthy so they can properly perform their duties within the hive. Proteins are needed to feed larvae so they can develop and grow and vitellogenin (a very important protein in bee blood). Bees are hardworking insects that naturally seek food to feed their populations. If there is a lack of protein or other important nutrients, it can lead to problems with the growth and recruitment of new bees and can even lead to the death of the hive. It is therefore important to provide bees with sufficient protein to support their survival and reproduction.

