Kunstraat in many sizes
Kunstraat are sheets of beeswax used by the beekeeper in the hive. They are also used to kaarsen te rollen van bijenwas. Kunstraat staat ook wel bekend onder andere namen, zoals wastafels, wasraten, wasplaten, bijenwasvelletjes, startraat of waswafels. Er is veel te vertellen over kunstraat voor bijen. In dit artikel hopen we de basis uit te leggen, zodat je een goede keuze kan maken. Als je kunstraat gaat kopen, is het belangrijk om de juiste maat te kopen. Maar welke maat kunstraat heb ik eigenlijk nodig? Kunstraat is beschikbaar in allerlei verschillende maten. Je moet dus weten welke kast en/of raammaat je gebruikt. In Nederland wordt de spaarkast gebruikt, in deze Nederlandse spaarkast zitten Simplex raampjes. Je koopt dus bijenwas in een Simplex maat. Je kiest natuurlijk nog of het voor de broedkamer is of voor de honingkamer. Hier zit vaak een hoogteverschil in. En heb je bijvoorbeeld een Dadant US kast, then buy artificial street in the size Dadant US.
Showing 1 - 47 of 47 items
€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Hatchery artificial substrate in size Dutch Simplex. Choose with or without saw cut in the order menu. Cast wax does not warp as quickly and can therefore be melted into the windows as early as spring. 1 Kg contains about 16-17 sheets of excellent quality artificial street on which the bees build up well. Kunstraat without saw cut fits all simplex...
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Honeycomb artificial straw in the size Dutch Simplex. Choose with or without saw cut in the order menu. Cast wax does not warp as quickly and can therefore be melted into the windows as early as spring. 1 Kg contains about 23 sheets of artificial street of excellent quality on which the bees build up well. Kunstraat without saw cut fits all simplex...
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€ 19,95
Product available with different options
Product available with different options
Rolled honeycomb artificial street in the size Simplex (for both Dutch and Belgian windows). Choose with or without saw cut in the order menu. Rolled artificial street has the advantage of being less likely to break than cast artificial street. Can also be used for rolling candles and other hobby ideas. 1 Kg contains about 23 sheets of excellent quality...
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€ 26,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Kunstraat cast in the size Simplex honey chamber (33.7 x 11.8 cm). For providing wax in hive windows. The residue-poor artificial wax is an alternative to BIO beeswax. This beeswax is selected for low pesticide residue content. One kilo contains about 23 sheets. For beekeepers who want only the best for their bees.
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€ 24,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Darrenrate artificial street per 1000 grams for in the Simplex windows. Darrenrate can be used for the darrenrate method by which varroa can be captured. This is because the Varroa mite has developed a preference to reproduce particularly in darrenrate. More about the darrenrate method can be read at beekeeperpedia.
Size: 33.3 x 19.3 cm.
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€ 21,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Simplex Duhoka artificial substrate per kg for Duhoka windows. Duhoka (double honey chamber) makes it easy to keep a larger brood nest by using 2 honey chambers as brood chambers. The artificial street has a size of 33,7 x 26,7 cm and is molded.
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€ 21,95
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In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Cast artificial street for Dutch combi windows. The size of this artificial street is 33.7 x 34.5 cm.
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€ 4,70
This product is ordered, delivery time is approximately 14 days.
This product is ordered, delivery time is approximately 14 days.
Sheet of yellow plastic plastic street of size 28 x 41 cm. Ideal if you want to add plastic to your own windows. This castellated sheet is made of a hard plastic that is still somewhat flexible. Before use, the plastic comb should be smeared with beeswax so that the bees can further expand the comb. Price is per piece.Cell size approximately 5.4 - 5.3 cm
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded honey chamber artificial street in the size German normal. This beeswax artificial street is suitable for adding beeswax to the windows in the German normal hives. The dimensions are 34,7 x 14 cm.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded brood chamber artificial street in the size German normal. This beeswax artificial street is suitable for adding beeswax to the windows in the German normal hives. The dimensions are 34,7 x 19,7 cm.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial street in the size MiniPlus. This beeswax artificial street is suitable for adding beeswax to the windows in the MiniPlus cabinets. The dimensions are 19 x 13,8 cm.
One package contains approximately 44 sheets of artificial street.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial street in the size Warré. This beeswax artificial street is suitable for adding beeswax to the windows in the Warré cabinets. The dimensions are 26.5 x 18 cm.
Windows for the Warré cabinet [product id=1546]kunt u hier vinden.[/product]
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Apimaye Langstroth / Dadant honey chamber artificial substrate packed per 1 kg. With this you can fill the Langstroth / Dadant honey chamber windows with wax. The artificial street is molded and has the size 42 x 13 cm. Notice: this artificial street is specially made for the windows of the Langstroth / Dadant Apimaye hive.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Apimaye Dadant hatchery artificial substrate packed per 1 kg. With this you can fill the Apimaye Dadant incubator windows with wax. The artificial substrate is molded and measures 41.5 x 27 cm. Notice: this artificial street is specially made for the windows of the Dadant Apimaye hive.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Apimaye Langstroth hatchery artificial substrate packed per 1 kg. With this you can fill the Langstroth incubator windows with wax. The artificial substrate is molded and has the size 42 x 20 cm.
Notice: this artificial street is specially made for the windows of the Apimaye Langstroth hive.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial street in the size Langstroth honey chamber (1/2). This artificial street is suitable for providing the Langstroth hive with honey chamber windows with beeswax artificial street. The dimensions are 41 x 13 cm.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial street in the size Langstroth brood chamber. This beeswax artificial street is suitable for providing the Langstroth hive with brood chamber windows with beeswax. The dimensions are 41 x 19.5 cm.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial street Dadant US, to apply beeswax to the windows in the honey chamber. The size of this art street Dadant US is 42 x 12 cm. One kilo contains approximately 21 sheets of Dadant US artificial street. This size is also suitable for the Langstroth honey chamber windows with a height of 159mm.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial street brood chamber in the size Dadant US. To add beeswax to the Dadant US incubator windows. The size is 42 x 25.5 cm. A 1 kg package contains about 10 sheets of artificial street.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Cast or rolled (option) artificial street in Dadant Blatt (Frankenbeute) 1/2 size. To add beeswax to the Dadant Blatt honey chamber windows. The dimensions are 41.3 x 13 cm.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial substrate brood chamber artificial substrate in the size Dadant Blatt (Frankenbeute). To add beeswax to the Dadant Blatt brood chamber windows. The dimensions are 41.3 x 26.3 cm. In 1000 grams there are about 10 sheets of Dadant Blatt incubator.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial street in the size Dalinno Langstroth brood chamber. This beeswax artificial street is suitable for adding beeswax to Dalinno Langstroth brood chamber windows. The dimensions of the artificial street are 43.8 x 22.4 cm.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial street in the size Dalinno Langstroth honey chamber (1/2). This artificial street is suitable for fitting Dalinno Langstroth honey chamber windows with beeswax artificial street. The dimensions are 43.8 x 15.1 cm.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial street in the size Zander brood chamber. This artificial substrate is suitable for adding beeswax to the Zander brood chamber windows. The size of this artificial street is 39,4 x 19,6 cm. The artificial street is packed per 1 kg.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial street in the size Zander honey chamber. This beeswax artificial street is suitable for coating the Zander honey chamber windows with beeswax. The dimensions of the artificial street are 39.6 x 13.6 cm. The artificial street is packed per 1 kilo.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial street for the Kempish honey chamber windows. This artificial street is suitable for providing the Kempish hive with honey chamber windows with beeswax artificial street. The dimensions of the artificial street are 31,5 x 13.7 cm. The artificial street is packed per 1 kilo.
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€ 19,95
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
In stock and available for immediate delivery.
Molded artificial street in the size Kempic brood chamber. This artificial street is suitable for providing the Kempish hive with brood chamber windows with beeswax artificial street. The dimensions of the artificial street are 31,5 x 25.5 cm. The artificial street is packed per kilo.
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€ 26,95
Out of stock
Out of stock
Kunstraat cast in the size Simplex brood chamber. For providing wax in the windows for the hive. The BIO artificial street is tested for harmful substances and unbleached and therefore may be darker in color. Because the wax is certified you can assume that no pesticides are present. One kilo contains approximately 15-17 sheets. For beekeepers who want...
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€ 26,95
Out of stock
Out of stock
Kunstraat in the size Simplex honeycomb cast. For providing wax in the cabinet windows. The BIO kunstraat is tested for harmful substances and unbleached and therefore darker in color. Because the wax is certified you can be assured that no pesticides are present. One kilo contains approximately 23 sheets. For beekeepers who want only the best for their...
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€ 19,95
Out of stock
Out of stock
Rolled hatchery artificial substrate per 1 kg in the size Simplex (for both Dutch and Belgian windows). Choose with or without saw cut in the order menu. Rolled artificial street has the advantage that it breaks less quickly than cast artificial street. Can also be used for rolling candles and other hobby ideas. 1 Kg contains about 16 / 17 sheets of...
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Cast or rolled artificial street
At the maken van kunstraat there are two different production processes. In one process the artificial street is cast and in the other it is rolled. In the production process of cast artificial street, the liquid wax is poured into rollers with a castellated pattern. This comb is immediately ready to be cut to size and used.
With rolled artificial street, the process consists of two steps. In the first step, the beeswax is also poured between two rollers, but these do not have a motif and thus a very long sheet of beeswax is created. This sheet is rolled up. In the second step, the sheet is rolled one more time after which the motif is pressed in.
Molded artificial street is the most commonly used artificial street. This artificial street is stable in shape when already in the window. It is slightly thicker, and therefore easier to use and store in the window. Also, the shape of the comb is very exact. Rolled artificial street is thinner. The advantage is that you get slightly more sheets out of 1 kg of beeswax. The disadvantage is that when the artificial street is in the window, it quickly starts to droop and bulge. Sometimes it is also rolled thicker, which reduces the effect. So you can't actually store the frame with beeswax and you have to use it right away in the hive. And it should not be too warm, otherwise it may also In the hive of bees, it may become warped. Also, the shape of the comb may be slightly elongated because it is pressed and pulled through the machine.
Making your own artificial street
You can also make your own artificial street. This can be done in a very simple way by melting beeswax in a pan this with a ladle on a siliconen matje te gieten met een raatmotief. Een andere optie is een professioneel apparaat te kopen dat watergekoeld is. The advantage of this is that you can work faster. After all, after pouring on, that sheet is cooled right away.
Beeswax of different qualities
Beeswax comes in different qualities. There is conventional beeswax, namely beeswax that is extracted from beekeeping. This can be from the Netherlands, but also from other countries. These batches are mixed and checked. An excellent beeswax of normal quality.
In addition to this beeswax, there is also residue-poor beeswax, sometimes sold as selected beeswax. This is beeswax that naturally contains a lower amount of contaminants. As a result, it is more pure in quality and has little to no residue substances from possible previous varroa treatments. This beeswax is somewhat similar to organic beeswax by composition, but of course it is not certified organic.
There is also a third type of beeswax. This is stamp beeswax, one of the purest forms of beeswax. Seals are extracted during the oogsten van de honing, omdat er dan nog geen voorbehandeling is geweest. Dit gebeurt tenslotte na de honingoogst uit de bijenkast. Hier vind je geen varroabehandelingsmiddelen in. In addition, this beeswax has not been processed in artificial street before. This beeswax has a very high quality. Also, this beeswax does not need to be cleaned either. This wax can be washed with water and then heated and waffled into artificial street for the hive.
Because of all these choices, buying bees artificial waxy can sometimes be a task. So what is the best type of beeswax for you? Basically, conventional beeswax is fine. But you will find that bees accept the residue-poor beeswax very quickly or the sealer beeswax. It could also be a choice in your beekeeper operations. What suits you and what budget is available? Conventional beeswax is often the cheapest and an excellent choice, followed by residue-poor beeswax and most costly the zealrate.
Different cell sizes in artificial street
With artificial street, there is also a difference in cell sizes. The standard cell size used is 5.4 mm. In reality, it is slightly smaller, but it is rounded to 5.4 mm. This is the most commonly used artificial substrate. In addition to this size, there are three other sizes: 5.1 mm, 4.9 mm and 6.3 mm. The idea behind these sizes is that they are closer to the natural cell size of the honey bee. In nature, bees make cells that range from 4.62 mm to 5.51 mm. So you can choose to work with a smaller size to get closer to the average cell size of the bees. Despite this thought, the most commonly used artificial street is still 5.4 mm. This is the standard in beekeeping. Then there is the last size, 6.3 mm. This is the comb used for dummy brood. By using this comb, you can breed drones, male bees, in the hive. This may be desirable if you use alternative varroa control, by capturing varroa in dummy brood or in queen breeding If you want to breed a lot of drones.
Beeswax tunnel for candle making
Finally, Beeswaxun street is also used for the maken van kaarsen. Dit is een heel simpel proces, wat super leuk is om te doen. Je legt het lontje neer, rolt het velletje bijenwas op en je hebt een kaarsje. Je kunt het zelfs in bepaalde vormen snijden, zodat je een bijenkorf kunt rollen. Er zijn hiervoor starters setjes beschikbaar, Deze zijn helemaal compleet met lont en soms bijtjes om de kaarsen te versieren. Ook is er kunstraat voor het maken van kaarsen beschikbaar in verschillende kleuren, so you can make a colored candle or decorate the rolled candle.
To make rolled beeswax candles, the beeswax must be slightly warm or it may break. The best wax for this is rolled beeswax. This is because it is thin and flexible. But cast wax will also do just fine, just make sure it is not too cold. If you are working in a cold room, you can warm the wax with a hair dryer, for example. In terms of size, it doesn't really matter which beeswax sheet for candles you choose. You can roll large candles from a large sheet and smaller candles from a small sheet. Artificial street is almost always sold in a kilo price. So the size does not affect that.