
Buying honey online seems very easy. But how do you know if you have real honey that comes directly from the apiary and has not been processed in a factory? We can tell you about that and give you some tips. Our honey always comes directly from beekeepers and is not processed or extremely gefilterd. Vaak wordt honing in supermarkten wel gefilterd om te voorkomen dat de honing kristalliseert. Immers, als de honing gekristalliseerd is, willen mensen het soms niet meer kopen omdat ze denken dat het niet meer goed is. Door het extreem te filteren en alle kleine deeltjes uit de honing te halen, zoals pollen which are actually very healthy, the honey is less likely to crystallize and will keep its appearance even if it sits in the supermarket for a long time. We always buy the honey directly from the beekeeper. You then have real fresh honey that often comes from small, sustainable apiaries and beekeeping. If you want to read more scroll down this page, or buy one of our delicious honeys right away!

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What types of honey are there actually?

Actually, there is only one kind of honey, and that is flower honey. And yet that's not entirely true. Keep reading and we'll tell you why in a moment. Flower honey is often subdivided into many more types of honey. A small selection of common types: Acacia honey, Rapeseed honey, Mountain honey, Balsamia honey and Clover honey. But there is another small difference. When talking about forest honey or pine honey, this can be a honey extracted by the bees from aphids. How does this work? The aphids excrete plant sap, a sweet substance that the bees lick or suck off the aphids. They take this to the hive, which eventually becomes honey. So this is not nectar from a flower that the honey bee picks up by itself, but rather nectar from the sap of the tree. And therefore not actually a flower honey. Yet this may just be called honey. By the way, Dutch organic honey is very hard to find, especially in the Netherlands. This is because in the Netherlands there is a lot of pollution from roads running along nature reserves. There are rules that hives must always be 5 km from the road. And that is almost impossible in the Netherlands. The beekeeper also has to use a different way of beekeeping. This does make it a little more difficult, but is doable. A local beekeeper can tell you why he does or does not have organic honey.

Honey directly from the beekeeper!

Honey straight from the beekeeper is actually the fresh honey, or also called raw honey. This one is 100% natural. Sometimes people still talk about cold swirled or hot swirled, but actually honey is always cold swirled. This is because the honey from the hive is already a little warm from the bees themselves. After removing the combs from the hive, the honey is often swung right away, and after the honey has been swung, the honey is stored in a container to rest briefly. After this, the jars are filled with honey. You can then say that the honey is unprocessed. Of course, the beekeeper will sometimes filter the honey again, but that is very different from high-pressure filtering and heating, as it is done in a large processing plant. By comparison, a beekeeper's filters are very coarse, leaving many healthy spores in the honey. If we look at what is in the honey, we are talking about vitamins, minerals and natural sugars.

Crystallizing the honey

Honey crystallizes naturally. This is a natural process and what can be somewhat accelerated because there are small particles, such as pollen, in the honey. These are very healthy to eat and contain all kinds of minerals, proteins and vitamins. Once the honey is crystallized, you can heat the honey to a maximum of 45 degrees. This way you make sure that the honey does not deteriorate in quality and retains all its properties. If you heat the honey higher than 45 degrees, especially for a longer time, the quality deteriorates quickly. You can heat the honey to 45 degrees, for example by putting the jar in hot water at 45 degrees or in an oven at 45 degrees for a short time. It will then liquefy again and be easy to use. By the way, you can also just eat crystallized honey, only it tastes different because of its altered texture. Avoid using the microwave to avoid destroying the natural enzymes in the honey.

Where do I buy the honey?

Honey is best bought locally, or at a specialized store. Locally, you can often buy it from a beekeeper who has a sign by the door, or you buy it from us, from a store that specializes in honey. Then you can be sure you are getting a nice quality honey at a fair price. The taste of the honey depends on the region it comes from. Each region has its own taste. As long as the honey comes from Europe, you can still speak of "local" when you know that many supermarkets get honey from South America or even China, where the quality is sometimes not as good because the honey has been sitting in barrels for a long time during transport and storage, sometimes even in the heat.

Health benefits of honey

Honey has been known for its unique health benefits for centuries. This natural sweetener, derived directly from the nectar of flowers and trees, is not only a delicious addition to our diet, but also offers numerous health benefits. Honey is an excellent source of natural energy. The unique combination of natural sugars such as glucose and fructose provides a quick energy boost. This makes honey an ideal snack for athletes or a quick energy boost during the day. Furthermore, honey is also known for other properties, although I am not giving scientific advice here i.vm. claims. Below I will give you an idea of what is said about honey and its supposed health properties.

Antioxidants: Raw honey is full of important antioxidants, including organic acids and phenolic compounds such as flavonoids. Antioxidants help fight free radicals in the body, which can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Digestive support: Honey can promote digestion. It has prebiotic properties, meaning it stimulates the growth of good bacteria in the gut. This can help improve overall digestion and reduce problems such as bloating and constipation.

Natural cough suppressant: Honey is often used as a natural remedy for coughs. Its thicker consistency helps soothe the throat and reduce irritation. Studies have shown that honey can be as effective as some commercial cough suppressants. But we also sell propolis, another product from the hive. This will work even better against coughs and is also available as a cough syrup.

Antibacterial and antifungal properties: Honey has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties. This is largely due to the presence of hydrogen peroxide and high acidity. These properties make honey useful not only for wound healing, but also for fighting infections.

Skin Care: Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, honey is also a popular ingredient in natural skin care products. It can help treat skin conditions such as acne and eczema and contributes to healthy, glowing skin.

Relief from seasonal allergies: Some people find relief from seasonal allergies by consuming local honey. The idea is that by consuming honey that contains local pollen, the body can become accustomed to these allergens, which can reduce hay fever symptoms. To achieve this, there is another option: eat a small amount of pollen each time. It is best to do this several months before allergy season starts and the allergy begins to flare up.

It is important to remember that although honey offers many health benefits, it is still a sugary substance. Moderate consumption is therefore essential, especially for people who need to monitor their sugar intake.

What is the best way to store the honey?

Store honey in a glass jar that is tightly sealed. This prevents the honey from attracting moisture. This is because honey is hydrophilic, which means it absorbs moisture, and you don't want that. It should be kept as dry as possible to preserve its shelf life and will not absorb foreign odors, such as from the kitchen. For the same reason, since it shouldn't be heated, it shouldn't be warm either; so preferably store honey cool in a cupboard, out of direct sunlight. But do not put honey in the refrigerator, as it may crystallize faster. Honey does not spoil easily and can stay good for years if stored correctly. The flavor and quality are best preserved if you follow these tips.

