Sugar Dough 

A common question is: what is sugar dough? Suikerdeeg is a mixture of powdered sugar and little water that is often given to bees as a temporary food source. It is intended to help bees during periods when there is little or no nectar and pollen to be found due to no "gestation plants" blooming or the weather being too cold for bees to forage. We have a wide range of different species sugar dough. With us you can also ready-made buy sugar dough with additional vitamins and/or proteins, among other things. Brands you'll find with us include BeeBoost®, Apifonda (from Südzucker), Fondabee sugar dough, FondabeeFruc of (Belgosuc) and various kinds of sugar dough from Dulcofruct. You can buy this wide range of sugar dough all from us. The microfine sugar crystals ensure that the bees have the absorb quietly. It is also possible to make your own sugar dough and/or sugar water. For 1 kg of sugar dough mix 900 grams powdered sugar with 100 grams of water. In some situations, you could also add some of your own honey. In that case, make sure you own honey of the bees used to prevent foul brood or other infections. To make 1 liter of sugar water use 800 grams of sugar and 500 ml of water. For large quantities, it is recommended to use a suikersmelter to use.

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