Beekeeping for Everyone (5th revised edition), by Jeroen Vorstman

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The book "Beekeeping for Everyone," by Jeroen Vorstman is a 122-page book that reads wonderfully about beekeeping, what's involved and how to work with bees year round. It includes basic tips on "how to make a pitcher properly" as well as "how to help the bees". The beekeeping equipment is not skipped either, in short a useful book to read if you are just starting beekeeping or want to start keeping bees.

Also very informative: "Eerste Hulp Bij Imkeren" (E.H.B.I.), an extremely useful and practical book for the beginning (and advanced) beekeeper. 100 Beekeeping situations are discussed with cause and solution.

5th revised edition, ISBN 9789052109848

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