Apimaye Ergo hive Deep Bread Box and Medium Super Dadant


New product

Apimaye Ergo hive in the Dadant size. This double-walled hive is made of an antibacterial plastic and has many advantages over any other hive.

Contents of this hive:
- Apimaye Ergo roof
- Apimaye Ergo feeding bowl
- Apimaye Ergo queen grid
- Apimaye Ergo Medium Super (includes 10 windows LD-16)
- Apimaye Ergo Bread Box (includes 10 windows DN-30)
- Apimaye Ergo soil
- Apimaye Ergo association window (DN-30)
- Apimaye Ergo spacers for windows.

In addition to this beautiful hive, you will also receive a handy hive card for keeping records of the hive.

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