Varrox® Eddy evaporator Deluxe

€ 495,95


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Varrox Eddy is a convenient portable evaporator with replaceable battery, suitable for any common size hive. The vaporizer should be placed in the flight opening of the hive. A beekeeper only needs to press a button and the vaporizer does its job. This allows the beekeeper to safely stand at a distance from the hive to ensure he/she does not inhale toxic fumes. The colored LED lights allow you to monitor the progress of the of treatment. The vaporizer weighs 600 grams and one battery charge is enough to treat about 15 hives. This package contains 2 batteries.

Produced in Switzerland.


Use 2 grams of oxalic acid dihydrate per hive.

Package Contents

- The Varrox Eddy
- 2 crucibles
- 2 batteries (about 15 peaks per battery)
- 1 charger
- 1 storage box
- 1 spoon for 1 gram


- Light and easy to use
- Interchangeable, rechargeable battery
- Electronic time/temperature control
- One battery charge is sufficient for 15 hives

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